The Ultimate Guide to Goalstatistics Daily Football Stats

Ultimate guide to Goalstatistics daily football stats

Goalstatistics Daily Football Stats - Intro

As you might be aware, our website has gone through a significant upgrade, therefore we felt it's important to create a guide for you, to show how to understand and utilize our data. By introducing our filtering system, you can easily create shortlist for different betting strategies. let's jump into it!

Match stages & Situations

First, and foremost, it's important to note you can find situational stats at Goalstatistics. Situational means we are looking at how teams are performing in different spots, e.g. when they are leading/trailing in the 60th minute.

These main categories are the following:

You can switch between the tabs on the match page using the following buttons:

Match stage selector for football stats

Competition Type And Time Frame

When it comes to football stats, sample size is key. This is the main reason why we are introducing the Competition Type and Time Frame Type switch in our statistics. For Competition Type, you can pick between This Competition and All Competition. For the Time Frame Type, you also have two options: This Season or Past Year. In total, you have 4 options when it comes to the combination of these buttons:

The default setting is This Competition & This Season, which can be seen on the screenshot below:

competitions and time frame filter

The Headers

Looking at our stat tables, there are two things common in them, the first one is the headers. These are the following:

The Stat Types

In total we have 25 different stat types, the majority of these are available only on selected tabs. All in all, we have hundreds of data points and probably this is the easiest way to organize it:


To make your life easier, if there is an outstanding stat either in positive or negative direction, we highlight them. The coloring rules are the following: if a team's stat is higher than the league average by at least 15%, it's color is green. In case the stat is at least 15% lower than the league average, it's color will be red. There is a lighter and darker version of each color, the ligher is used when the games played is less than 3, the darker is used when it's at least 3. We do this in order to let you know small sample sizes.


One of the most important new functions of the site is our brand new filtering system. This helps you to create a shortlist for your strategy within just a few seconds. You can set up to 3 conditions, and after you hit the filter button, it will list all the matches that fullfils your requirements. In case you don't want to use the filters, you can always hide this section of the main page. 

To set up a filter, you must define the following:

Filtering system on the main page


Last, but not least we have to talk about the limitations. When we are generating our statistics, we are excluding the following matches from our calculations:


This is pretty much everything you should know about how the Goalstatistics Daily Stats work. Hopefully you found this guide helpful, of course if you have any further question, please don't hesitate to contact us.